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Your week with The Bar Bomb Bar

Choose Your Perfect Night In - Cocktails, Spotify, & Bath Bombs

Are you looking for a new way to spend your nights without the feeling of ‘dressing to impress’ or having to attend that function you REALLY didn’t want to go to? The Triple B team has you covered with our bath bath bombs enabling you to have the ultimate night-in experience throughout your roller coaster week.

Your alarm blares into your ear as you roll over to check the time. Oh boy, its Monday. The start of the week is always the hardest because you are still reminiscing about Sunday. You roll out of bed and begin your day with a coffee to try and trick your brain into thinking you are a functioning human being. Throughout the day you continuously think to yourself ‘how will get through this week?’ But then you have your Espresso On Tap bath bomb at home. As soon as the clock ticks over to finishing time, you race home use your QR code on Spotify to listen to some stress relief music. As you relax into your bath indulging into the rich smelling espresso bath bomb you realise you really can get through the week.

It’s now finally Friday! You got through your week with lots of Espresso On Tap bath bombs but now its Friday and this is the obligatory day to be celebrating for the weekend. Your friends are all heading to Friday’s for some cocktails but you are not looking forward to the painful headache tomorrow. So you decide just a couple of drinks. As you arrive at the club in your already blistering expensive shoes and a dress that’s a little too tight you realise all you want to be doing is relaxing in a nice bath. After having one Cosmo cocktail you sneak off and head home. The first thing you do is use the QR code to put on the upbeat track on Spotify, use the Cosmopolitan Dreams bath bomb and sing-a-long having your own special night-out.

It’s Saturday and thankfully you don’t have a pounding headache from the night before thanks to the Bath Bomb Bar. You receive a text from your work colleagues saying there’s a special work event and the dress code is ‘dress to impress’. With a big sigh you realise you are going to have to make an appearance. After cozing around in your panda bear ugg boots you eventually start to get ready. In the corner of your eye you see your Spanish Sangria Sunrise bath bomb. After another long sigh you finish getting ready and head off to the much dreaded event of forced smiles and forced compliments. Once you see everyone has started to become a little ‘wild’ you head straight for the door. By now you are very experienced to sneaking away. You make yourself your own sangria cocktail even adding a little umbrella to it. You use the QR code to find the right playlist and begin to relax in your bath feeling grateful that you rented an apartment with a bath tub.

Oh no! Its Already Sunday? The week has nearly disappeared. You receive a phone call from your Mother saying she decided to host a ‘small family gathering’ at your place. You really aren’t in the mood to be asked why you don’t have a partner or why you have holes in your jeans but you know there’s not much you can do. As people begin to arrive you welcome them in your home and try and enjoy the company. But then old Grandma Jane arrives and just has to tell you why you are so completely single. You excuse yourself and head to the bathroom to freshen up. You notice you Pina Peninsula bath bomb on the side. You think to yourself whether you can quickly have a bath to get through the rest of the evening. By the time you finished thinking about it you are already in the bath tub with your earphones in indulging into the sweet smell. After your pamper time you head back out, no one seemed to of noticed. You are now rejuvenated to get through the evening.

Now you might be thinking, what about the Gold Flecked Prosecco? Let’s be real, this bath bomb you can use any day of the week to make you feel like the goddesses you truly are.

The Bath Bomb Bar aims to give you a night to remember even by staying home. Our product is designed to give you stress relief and make you feel rejuvenated! And yes, you might get good at sneaking out of events to have the night-out experience you truly wanted right in your own home.


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